Wednesday, September 30, 2009

frozen strawberries FTW!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

what the hell!

holy frig man today i was so out of it i swear i prolly tripped over myself like 234654 times and while i was cooking today for school i screwed up SOOO Many times it was ridikalous LOL i dunno im hoping that 2moro ill b in better shape LOL. and 2moro im going on this boat cruise thing for my school and im hoping its good cuz ill most likely be going by myself so HOPEFULLY ill be in an outgoing mood or else im gonna be totally bummed out and lonely and ill feel like a loser and shit and that wont be very fun will it? LOL

Saturday, September 19, 2009

people often confuse infactuation with love. people think because they cant stop thinking about the person and cant so jealous and shit that they think its love. and people think that love is all that corney shit like, "i cant stop tihnking about you" or "your all i need". NO. love isnt any of that shit. of course you need that person like crazy but there will be other people that you need, like family or other very close friends. theres also other types of love. the one that im mainly talking about is the one you have for ONE person. i dont believe that u can love more then one person, at a time at least, thats just wrong. but theres love that you have for family, theres love that u have for your closest friends and theres love for matieral things or things that you do. im talking about the love you have for 1 person because thats the one that people get confused with because people are made to believe that love is something that it isnt. or sometimes they just get confused and start to think that thats what it is. but to be real with u this is just what i feel it is, without the filters of social standards and media in the way. it took me alot of thinking to come up with that conclusion. and taken me a longer time to adjust to what it really is. even though i havent personally felt something that ideal i know what it is and i pray that i can find it. and even though not many people may think that love is what i tihnk it is, in the end its what YOU tihnk it is and what YOU feel it must be.


what is its true definition?

is it the text book definition?
"a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person."


is it physical attraction?


is it when your obsessed with something or someone?


is it when you cant your mind off that someone for one single moment?



love is.....

love is complicated but the feeling is so simple

love is sometimes harder to find then the greatest treasure but we all search for it

love is something that you never see coming but you can see it when its there

love is when you cant stand to be apart but you give them their space

love is when your brought to your peak of happiness but the next it could bring you to your lowest

love is what you find out of the blue and not in places where you think it would be

love is what you feel, it's not what people sing in a song, it's not what you think it would be sometimes but when it hits you like a brick wall, you know because it's gonna be something like you've never felt before or ever will again....

Saturday, September 12, 2009

random thoughts

im just chillin in my bed listening to music and all i could think about was how boring my life has been! like wtf. the first thing that comes to my mind when i think about my high skool life was how boring it was. i NEVER went out, well hardly. and even during the summers id go out like maybe 10 times the enitre summer or sumtimes even less. and i have pretty much nothing to show for my high school life. i never went to parties or anything, i never really had anything super interesting happen to me. like theres little things here and there but its mostly empty LOL. and i kinda stress about my college life cuz its HALF the time of high school and during the first week of school, which is frosh week, ive done NOTHING!!! ive only gone to class and came back home. and then i c all these other ppl out partying and having a good time and living their lives and all i can think is, why cant i do that? like i aint trying to say that im a party animal or sumthing and i wanna go out and get drunk and shit, that aint me but man i like to party! who doesnt right? ive hardly ever partied! i feel as if i havent lived my life as a teenager and yo ima be 20 years old when im done school. thats pushing old to me. LOL and with my profession it requiers a shit load of my time so ill hardly ever have time for partying or anytyhing so fuck i wanna live my life while i can! i feel like i wanna go back in time and start alll over and take advantage of my youth. youth only lasts so long and i dont wanna act and be older then i actually am. i wanna be a teenager for once and not some1 that goes and gets what they HAVE TO get done, done and call it a day. i dont want that, at least not yet im not ready to leave behind my social life, NOT EVEN CLOSE! so i wanna get out there andd party, make friends, and all that shit. i just wanna do things that ppl my age do. i dont wanna be doing things that ppl that are 50 years old do. I WANNA BE MY AGE!!!

my life aint interesting LMAO

well 2day i didnt really doing anytihng i went downtown and just kinda chilled after i went to class. but 2day when i was walking with a few of my friends i saw a mitsubishi lancer evolution 8 that was all modded up driving along toward importfest and all of a sudden i started jumping up and down and yelling and shit and pratically getting a boner off of it and no1 else was freaking out with me LMAO i felt kinda like a loser but i dont care i FRIGGIN LOVED THAT DAM CAR LMAO. meh im not interesting i guess LMAO AAAANNNYYYWWAAAYYSSS ya i think thats it anyways LMAO bye LOL

Thursday, September 10, 2009

so many ppl yet no1 to talk 2

i gotta talk about sumthin that kinda bothers me. on msn an all that, ive got alot of ppl, well not alot but like a good amount, and i usually never talk to many of them. like theres ppl that i want to talk 2 but it always feels like they never wanna talk back to me. like do i smell bad over msn or sumthin? LOL its always kinda bothered me and i just wanted to talk about it a little bit. and i know that like u cant talk to every1, every minute of everyday, that just isnt practical and watever but yo say hi now and then and show me that ur still alive or sumtihn LOL. and once in a while id like to not be the one to start the conversation LOL.


HOLY CRAP TODAY SUKED!!! its not that it was a bad day necessarily but man its sucked harder then paris hilton (haha dirty joke ;) :P). okay so i woke up at 5:30 and got ready for school k? then i get to the subway and watever take that to skool and i get to skool only 2 find out that the classroom has been changed so i have no friggin clue where im going and i feel like im going to be late. luckily i see of my classmates in this random as kitchen so i go in there and i ask them whats going on in here and they said this is where they were moved. so im like ok good shit, i found the dam place. so the chef shows us around the kitchen and how it will b going and i got my station assigned to me (im in a dam corner) and i got let out of class 3 hours early (its a 4 hour class AND the chefs say its not enough time for the class, awesome. LMAO) it might sound like gettin let out that early is good, it wasnt. i had a 1 hour break after that class so in total i had FOUR HOURS to waste. theres nothing to do at 9am so i walked around a bit and decided to head down to eaton centre and see if it was open, it wasnt. at least i got to check out some part of the toronto international film festival even venue which was kool i guess but then i headed back to king station where my school is around. i go to dundas subway station and the train is friggin delayed, AWESOME. so im just standing there with a 50 lbs bag on my bag and carrying a plastic bag with 20lb safety shoes in my hand. even tually the train got going and i got back safe and sound LOL. but then i still had 3 1/2 hours left so i went for a little walk. i ended up going to winners and finding a book store there. LOL there was nothing good in that winners so that bumed me out cuz thats 1 of my favorite stores CUZ ITS SO DAM CHEAP!!! (prolly like it so much cuz of my filipino side LMAO) anyways after that i went to mcdonalds and chilled there outside a bit b4 i got attacked by pidgeons LOL. so then i walked some more and some more and even tually met up with my friend for like 20 minutes and then i was by myself again. so i went and sat down on a bench by myself for like an hour and i went to class. the rest of the day is regular so not gonna complain about that but DAYUM it sucked being alone for more then 3 hours in downtown toronto with nothing to do! i shoulda bought a book for me to read or sumthing LMAO. you live and u learn i always say. LOL

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

boring day

well nuthin really happened today, i woke up late today tho. i was supposed 2 wake up at 5:30 but i woke up at 6:30 and i ended up being like 10 minutes later for class and the prof was pissed at me. LOL o well watever its my first time in that class anyways LOL so ya ill find sumthin 2 blog about since my day wasnt that interesting but for now im done im still waking up from my 3 hour nap. LOL

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


okay so today was my first day of college. god DAYUM was it hektik! okay so this is how my day went. 4:30 am, im laying in bed waiting for 5:30 to take a shower and get ready to go. 7:40am, im in downtown toronto looking for the dam place where my class is supposed to be! it ended up being in a friggin movie theatre! and i ended up being 1 hour and 20 minutes early for my class so i just sat on a bench for an hour xD. and then during that class (food theory) the prof told me that if i miss 3 labs in my culinary skills class ill automatically fail!!! YA!!! 3 MISSED CLASSES AND I FAIL!!!! HOLY CRAP!!! and thne i had a 2 hour break in between my classes so i went to st.lawerence market and took a look around to see what was goin on in there. it smelt really weird so i left LMAO. and there was this 1 guy that was creepin me out cuz of how he looked at me, it looked like he wanted to eat my face or sumthin LMAO but anyways, i eventually got a hold of eeya and we kinda walked around for a bit and then some how we saw frankie and her friend christina i tihnk her name was. LOL anyways i was pretty happy that i wasnt gonna b by myself on tuesdays LOL and then i went and walked eeya to her class carrying my 50lb bag and i walked back to my campus and saw frankie, christina and billy! and then we kinda went into the campus and loafted for a bit and then i went and got changed for my banquet and production kitchen class. and then i went in there and whatever. OMG I ALMOST FORGOT! THERES THIS GUY IN MY CLASS WITH 1 ARM!!! i felt so bad for him but i get mad respect for the guy! all i know is i dont wanna be in his group when we need to cook LMAO that was mean but its kinda true LMAO. anyways, that class ended up being cut short cuz its a 3 hours class i think? but ya we werent cooking that day so we got 2 go early! and theni went to the bookstore to see if i could buy some more of my stuff that i need for skool, BUT NOOO I GOTTA GOT TO A BAG CHECK IN TO GET INTO THE DAM STORE!!! AND THE LINE WENT OUTSIDE THE DAM CAMPUS!!!! so i was like "PACK DAT SHIET!!! *filipino accent btw*"HAHAHA anyways after that i went to see if i could change up the time of my class on friday cuz its from 3-6 and i want it earlier but nooooo everything is full..... friggin asians! (gotta blame it on someone or something right? LMAO) and ya i just went to my dads after that and my mom picked me up and i came home and cooked some salmon and YA thats my day, hope u enjoyed reading it LMAO (friggin losers LMAO) k bye!


"my mind is the ink, my thought's the pen, this blog is the notepad." - paul sweet ROFL!!! i thought i sounded kinda kool till i said that the blog is the notepad LMAO

Monday, September 7, 2009

friggin soooo nervous xD

aight so im lying down in my bed talking to trish and eileen waiting to be tired but im WIDE AWAKE! and in a few hours ill be in college, its a really intimidating feeling cuz its so foreign to me and im back at the bottom of the ladder, im gonna b one of the youngest ppl around there and theres gonna b all these older ppl around me and shit. ITS INTIMIDATING MAN! and on top of all that i dont know where all the things are and im scurred i might get lost and shit xD. i just need some time to calm my nervous ass down!!! god be on my side this time LMAO


HOLY SHIT I JUST REALIZED SUMTHING!!! IM GONNA OFFICIALLY BE A COLLEGE MON 2MORO!!! WHISKEY-TANGO-FOXTROT!!!! feels like yesterday that i was opening that acceptance letter LMAO (so corney/cliche) i dont even know where the hell im going 2moro!! i dont know if im supposed 2 go to my first scheduled class or am i supposed to be there earlier than the schduled time so that they can teach or show me sumthin i have no freakin clue and i havent adjusted my sleep pattern so most likely im gonna go practically sleepless so im just stressin out a little bit. xD holy shit.....breathe........LOL. anyways wish me luck LOL

where has the time gone?

i know every1 is writing bout how summer is ending and all that and you guys are prolly tired of hearing about it but at least finish off summer reading mine ;). alright so i dunno bout u guys but this summer went by sooo fast. a little to fast for my taste. this summer has been, to say the least, a litle different from my other summers. my other summers have been soo wasteful, i didnt get a job, i prolly went out like 7 times the whole summer. but this summer it changed a little bit, i went out about 2x as much LMAO. its progress for me but i wish i went out more, like i live off of people, whether they b friends or fam. my parents are split up so i live with my mom and i visit my dad every other weekend. and my mom doesnt like me going out at all, she wants 2 hog me all to herself, not 2 sure why its pretty immature if u ask me. but anyways, i dont go out all that often when im with my mom and my mom and my step dad are always busy with work and i dont get along good with them so i just kinda isolate myself from them so i just kinda chill by myself alot of the time and i HATE it. its all ive ever done for the past FOREVER! but when im at my dads place my cousins and uncles and aunts are running all over the place all the time! and my dad lets me go out pretty much where i want when i want! as long as he knows where i am. so i get 2 c my friends alot more often when im at my dads so goin 2 my dads is an escape from my "home" thats more of a prison to me. but whatever, im a person that takes things in stride and i deal with things that are thrown my way and i dont stress things 2 hard so i just brush it off most of the time. i aint sayin im some bod mon that dont care about anything im just saying im kinda care free when it comes to alot of things LOL. but anyways, about my summer, what i did was i went to a few parties and i also realized i love to go to jams and dance and shit LMAO. and i also got myself back into cars, HARDCORE. i live for cars now. ive taught myself a whole bunch about them, but i di-gress (not sure how 2 spell that LMAO). this summer has been the best 1 that i can remember and i regret alot of some of the things that i did (rather didnt do actually) but then again ive done some things that i dont. i made many new friends and lost a few in the process. i gained some new addictions (MAXIMUM TUNED!!! LMAO) and lost interest in things as well. this summer was filled to the brim with ups and downs but i dont think i would change it cuz its shaping me as a person. through my experiences i grow more and more whether they be good or bad ones. anyways thats all i gotta say about my life and my summer for now. peace out homies and sorry for this post being so long LMAO! THX FOR READING! =D

kinda feelin this

this is called a sloppy love jingle done by travis of the Gym Class Heroes, theres some funny parts and some serious parts and all that good stuff in there. not 100% sure as to how to put videos and shit up in here but ill find out eventually LOL

my ACTUAL profile thingy ma bobber, has to be under 1200 characters

well SORRY blog spot if im such an interesting person like SHIET why u gotta hold me back like that man! give me a break, times are hard enough as it is ! LET ME SHOW WHO I AM!!! JEEZ-UZZ1!! LMAO well heres my profile thang i just made LOL
im officially legal ladies (i know i just started this dam blog but dayum cant blame me for trying to put myself out there on the market LMAO) so that means im 18. im goin into college for culinary management, ima be a chef man!!! hence the url. i noticed i have alot on my mind and ive kinda wanted to blog for a bit so i decided to make 1 cuz of sum1 *cough* riane *cough* LMAO i live off a few tihngs, food, friends, music, movies, dance and cars. those are my major interests,i like video games but im trying to pick up some proper hobbies cuz video games indirectly make me anti social! ummm wat else.... i LOVE to make ppl laugh, nothing makes me feel better then making ppl laugh. wish i could do it for a living but i love cooking ALMOST as much, almost. but i dont consider myself to be the funniest person to be able to write and plan out jokes and stuff im just kinda funny on the spot and stuff like right now im just spontaneously writin watever goes down ya knaw?! yee thats some real shiet right thurr LMAO (stole that from mr.chicity3, look him up on youtube hes fukin awesome LMAO) i consider myself a jack of all trades, master of none. ill actually blog sumthin about that later to explain it LOl. thats it for now gotta do some shizz nit PEACE OUT!!

TODAY september 7th 2009 first post EVER!!! xD

alright so this is my first post and im gonna try 2 make it funny cuz i friggin live to make ppl laugh so yee here i go LMAO. alright so what i did 2day was i sat on my ass cuz yesterday i went to wonderland for PND, which was friggin awesome!!! for 1 i got to see a bucnh of my friends that i havent seen in forever!, antoher was i got to see all these awesome performances from some wicked ass dance crews, such as nomadics and koresthetic to name 2, there was 13 in total. GREAT JOB TO EVERY1 THAT PERFORMED IF U GUYS WILL EVER SEE THIS POST! alright lets get back on topic and stop a.d.d-ing (if thats a word, if not it is now bitches LMAO). oh and my dam uncles was the emcee for the dam event, I DIDNT EVEN KNOW UNTIL HE FRIGGIN WALKED OUT!!! i tried to get his attention so that he could point me out and all the ladies would see me and stuff ;). LMAO but i dont think he noticed me so whatever s'all good! im good like dat ya knaw?! anyways, 2day i was chillin at home and i was just watching this guy on youtube called "mr.chicity3" that guy is funny as HELL DAWG! look him up if u get the time, and i know u got the time cuz u b reading this shit LOL. ANOTHER THING!!! another thing that happened today, i swear i think i shoulda dyed my hair blonde cuz i couldnt add worth a DAYUM 2day! i was trying 2 add 4 +4 and i came up with 6 like 34 times! and im going into college and i have a math course F MY LIFE!!! LMAO anyways ima put this first post at rest now MORE POSTS TO COME, I HAVE ALOT TO TALK ABOUT SOMETIMES1!! LMAO