Monday, September 7, 2009

where has the time gone?

i know every1 is writing bout how summer is ending and all that and you guys are prolly tired of hearing about it but at least finish off summer reading mine ;). alright so i dunno bout u guys but this summer went by sooo fast. a little to fast for my taste. this summer has been, to say the least, a litle different from my other summers. my other summers have been soo wasteful, i didnt get a job, i prolly went out like 7 times the whole summer. but this summer it changed a little bit, i went out about 2x as much LMAO. its progress for me but i wish i went out more, like i live off of people, whether they b friends or fam. my parents are split up so i live with my mom and i visit my dad every other weekend. and my mom doesnt like me going out at all, she wants 2 hog me all to herself, not 2 sure why its pretty immature if u ask me. but anyways, i dont go out all that often when im with my mom and my mom and my step dad are always busy with work and i dont get along good with them so i just kinda isolate myself from them so i just kinda chill by myself alot of the time and i HATE it. its all ive ever done for the past FOREVER! but when im at my dads place my cousins and uncles and aunts are running all over the place all the time! and my dad lets me go out pretty much where i want when i want! as long as he knows where i am. so i get 2 c my friends alot more often when im at my dads so goin 2 my dads is an escape from my "home" thats more of a prison to me. but whatever, im a person that takes things in stride and i deal with things that are thrown my way and i dont stress things 2 hard so i just brush it off most of the time. i aint sayin im some bod mon that dont care about anything im just saying im kinda care free when it comes to alot of things LOL. but anyways, about my summer, what i did was i went to a few parties and i also realized i love to go to jams and dance and shit LMAO. and i also got myself back into cars, HARDCORE. i live for cars now. ive taught myself a whole bunch about them, but i di-gress (not sure how 2 spell that LMAO). this summer has been the best 1 that i can remember and i regret alot of some of the things that i did (rather didnt do actually) but then again ive done some things that i dont. i made many new friends and lost a few in the process. i gained some new addictions (MAXIMUM TUNED!!! LMAO) and lost interest in things as well. this summer was filled to the brim with ups and downs but i dont think i would change it cuz its shaping me as a person. through my experiences i grow more and more whether they be good or bad ones. anyways thats all i gotta say about my life and my summer for now. peace out homies and sorry for this post being so long LMAO! THX FOR READING! =D

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